View Full Version : DragonCon Sighting

04-29-2012, 03:24 PM
OK, who's D was it that I saw snapped in a picture at DragonCon this past Sept? I'm only asking because the pic was actually taken of a co-worker of mine. She was riding a penny farthing bicycle (one of those gigantic wheels in the front with a super-small wheel in the back kind of bikes) dressed as some kind of clown. The pic has her riding the bike in a parade, however, peeking into the frame following her along the route was the right front quarter panel and wheel of a D with the lowered Eibach suspension.

I feel I should apologize for you having to watch this tragedy as you progressed down the street and the ridiculous sight of her riding that bike but in actuality, I never could have appreciated the picture at all when she showed it to me if it wasn't for the D (even if it was just the front). But I guess it was DragonCon... Stranger sightings have occurred I'm sure.


PS- If you've tried to repress this memory and I've brought it back to your conscience... You're welcome.

04-29-2012, 03:27 PM

Nicholas R
04-30-2012, 01:09 AM
OK, who's D was it that I saw snapped in a picture at DragonCon this past Sept? I'm only asking because the pic was actually taken of a co-worker of mine. She was riding a penny farthing bicycle (one of those gigantic wheels in the front with a super-small wheel in the back kind of bikes) dressed as some kind of clown. The pic has her riding the bike in a parade, however, peeking into the frame following her along the route was the right front quarter panel and wheel of a D with the lowered Eibach suspension.

I feel I should apologize for you having to watch this tragedy as you progressed down the street and the ridiculous sight of her riding that bike but in actuality, I never could have appreciated the picture at all when she showed it to me if it wasn't for the D (even if it was just the front). But I guess it was DragonCon... Stranger sightings have occurred I'm sure.


PS- If you've tried to repress this memory and I've brought it back to your conscience... You're welcome.

It was me.

I was in the British section because I was dressed as 10th Doctor and my passenger was dressed as 11th Doctor (from Doctor Who). I remember the woman on the giant bicycle. It appeared as though it was rather difficult to ride.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/418122_10100443866115755_21412543_46233684_1142989 406_n.jpg

04-30-2012, 08:26 AM
I like that you had to explain what a penny farthing bicycle was