View Full Version : How can i confirm that this signature is John Deloreans?

12-31-2013, 01:34 AM
Hi All,

Long standing question. Is this signature John Z Delorean?
Left one is actual signature circa 1976, other one is a "Cave painting" under my Delorean's headliner.

I'm selling the car at the moment and i've never been able to get it certified, but i think it is. Anyone care to take a stab at it? Might jack the price up if it is... :)


12-31-2013, 02:26 AM
A strong man such as john Z with all the power he feels he has, belongs to the people who make a vivid signature. You can tell by their "John Hancock" or handcock as I call it. It is big and most of the times the small signature spaces are an issue to them.

Judging by the one on your door, it was done on the corner, scribbling it and even had to circle it to make it stronger.

I am afraid this is a similar looking signature by a much "weaker" personality. Would have been awesome to have John Z's signature on your door. Although I am sure he would have taken up the whole upper door's space with his John Hancock.

Sent from a mobile device. Please excuse typos etc

12-31-2013, 08:15 AM
I'm not seeing the similarities in the two signatures. Whatever the first letter is in the unknown sig is not looking much like a "J", and even if it is a J, then the first letter of the last name is also a "J".

That's just one discrepancy. The two last names really look completely different to me.

12-31-2013, 08:35 AM
This is not johns signature. Wasn't a thread started started about this a while back? Everyone at that time also had the same thought. Not deloreans signature. Im not trying to be harsh, but unless you have a pic of someone signing your item, or a coa, anyone could have scribbled anything.

12-31-2013, 08:56 AM
I'm not seeing the similarities in the two signatures. Whatever the first letter is in the unknown sig is not looking much like a "J", and even if it is a J, then the first letter of the last name is also a "J".

That's just one discrepancy. The two last names really look completely different to me.

Exactly what I was thinking.

nick sutton
12-31-2013, 09:40 AM
If the date is in US form that is 1 June 1982 then John wrote on a panel without the headliner fixed which is unlikely. If it's Euro format that is 6 Jan 1982 this was certainly the signature of the door assembler in the DMCL Body shop. Also on 6 Jan 1982 according to my records John was in the US at the time.

Sorry to burst your bubble!


01-13-2014, 05:50 PM
Since the car is vin'd August 82, I'd say that the 1 June date is more likely. Do you know if John was in belfast on that day? I think it would be odd for a man like JZD to use the european date standard...

I know i brought this up a couple of years back, but back then the matter was not resolved. The Signatures are very familiar, and i'm not going to rule out that it could be JZD (the looped J at the start is far to similar), though i will concede that it may have been someone who was familiar with his signature and modified their own to immitate him.

If JZD wasn't in Ireland on the 1 June 82 It can't be his sig.


01-13-2014, 06:17 PM

01-14-2014, 01:40 AM
Long standing question. Is this signature John Z Delorean?

One can use a search engine to find at least two different images of what are said to be John DeLorean's signatures. See links below.

"John Delorean's signature" can be the search criteria, then sub-select only "images".

No claim or guess made on my part regarding whether these images carry his authentic signature nor whether the cave painting image in question from the car now for sale might match either of them.

Image A (http://www.entermyworld.com/cat/myd/interior/jzddash1x1.jpg)

Image B (http://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view;_ylt=AwrTcX3319RSNHsA0TaJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTIyY3 NydjI4BHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZANlM2RkZTI4YmY3ODQw ZGY2OTc5ZWU5ZTI4NTUzZTc1ZgRncG9zAzEEaXQDYmluZw--?back=http%3A%2F%2Fimages.search.yahoo.com%2Fsearc h%2Fimages%3F_adv_prop%3Dimage%26va%3Djohn%2Bdelor ean%2527s%2Bsignature%26fr%3Dmoz35%26tab%3Dorganic %26ri%3D1&w=1024&h=768&imgurl=i15.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fa385%2Flovem ysantafe%2FIMG_7276.jpg&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Facurazine.com%2Fforums%2Fshowthr ead.php%3Ft%3D739430&size=102.7KB&name=%3Cb%3Ejohn+delorean+s+signature+%3C%2Fb%3Eon +one+of+the+cars+glovebox+covers&p=john+delorean%27s+signature&oid=e3dde28bf7840df6979ee9e28553e75f&fr2=&fr=moz35&tt=%3Cb%3Ejohn+delorean+s+signature+%3C%2Fb%3Eon+o ne+of+the+cars+glovebox+covers&b=0&ni=21&no=1&ts=&tab=organic&sigr=11jf8oq0t&sigb=13l33kevf&sigi=11qfk16bt&.crumb=vO1367NeETa&fr=moz35)

nick sutton
01-14-2014, 12:50 PM
John did not visit Northern Ireland after February 1982 so if he did sign the door it wasn't in Belfast.
