View Full Version : What was the Total Money Invested per Car?

07-28-2011, 10:41 AM
I've been wondering if the Delorean was one of the most expensive cars ever made. NOT most expensive sales price. What was the total amount given by the UK government plus the amount investors gave? Divided by the number of cars made (say 9000 cars) what would be the cost per car. Coming up with a total amount invested seems to be difficult. THe UK government gave grants plus loans. The loans weren't fully paid and they sold the factory to recoup the money.

Isn't there suppose to be UK government documents released any time now due to a law stating that some documents had to be sealed for 30 years?

07-28-2011, 12:11 PM
It would be a pretty involved formula. For simplicity's sake, I once came up with a figure based on Total Amount from British + Investors divided by number of cars. (There is so much more to it than that, of course...)

Although it was a long time ago when I did it, I believe my figure was somewhere around $60K a car. If we are rolling the cost of all capital investment, I wouldn't be surprised to find out that the real figure is much more, or even double.

08-03-2011, 08:09 PM
this is a good question, anyone care to do the maths?