Visited VIN 500 at Crawford Auto Aviation Museum this past Saturday, as I've been saying in a few other threads, and took a bunch of pics and did an entire write-up also. Posted it all on Imgur so the images don't die, and also so they're high-res too!

DeLorean VIN 500 at Crawford Auto Aviation Museum

Things I learned during the write-up:

- Only 12.85 original miles, just over a dozen.
- No glovebox handle (anything inside?)
- Still some work to do, but 99% of the way there from what I saw. Cosmetically, anyhow.

Also, GIANT shout-out to Tony Swann for the hours and hours and hours of teaching me everything I know about the early VIN's, I would certainly not have had nearly the trained eye I had visiting VIN 500 if it weren't for him. He really knows his stuff, and I'm just happy to be able to utilize the opportunity to document VIN 500 like she's never really been documented by the public before. Hopefully not in a creepy paparazzi way though.

The placard listed it as "gift of Jeffrey Abrams", anyone know if there's a factory connection there? Never heard of that name until now.