Hi All,

I am having an issue where my idle will randomly jump to 2000 RPMs. It will do so for a few seconds, or for 30 minutes. The problem subsides if I unplug the frequency valve. I haven't noticed yet if it is buzzing while it is happening, but I believe it is not.

Besides suggestions on what the problem might be, I'm hoping someone can answer me the following:

What exactly is the frequency valve doing? Not just tuning the fuel mixture, but step by step, how does it decide when to turn on and off?

And when it does turn on, what other sub processes are running because of the request to turn on?

Is the point of the valve to lean or enrich the fuel mixture? Both?

And lastly, I'm getting the car smogged this weekend, no way it will pass with the RPMs shooting to 2000, any chance it can pass without the valve?

Edit: Bulkhead connectors have been thoroughly cleaned.

