I did a Microsquirt convertion last year on a delorean with stock intake, using Ed ( Seo Motorsport ) hardware kit. http://dmctalk.org/showthread.php?10...I-hardware-kit
The kit is very helpfull, and i made also a "fake" fuel distributor to obtain a stock looking engine.

The actual problem is we have lot of sync loss problems, and we tried lot of different solutions with no improvement now.

We configured it to run on Fuel only management, using original coil signal on OPTO input.
It worked for some time, but always had to made software filter to improve the reading of the signal.
We then decided to mount a 36-1 wheel, with a hall sensor, and got the reading in the VR input.
Again, it worked but struggled after around 2000rpm.
So I thought it was a better idea to improve the signal with an LM1815 amplifier, and again entering the OPTO input.
Again, while i could see a perfect square signal on the output of LM1815 entering the OPTO input, the Microsquirt was loosing quite entire the signals after 2000rpms.
Being the signal good, I think now it could be a firmware problem, or an impedance problem.
I remember also Lazzabby had a similar problem with the SMD version 3.57 ; while we use the Microsquirt maybe that problem was brought to this version too.

Has anyone used the MicroSquirt and has suggest ?
Thank you!