I wanted to share this photo and explanation of how I almost became a DMC owner back in June of this year. A friend messaged me with this photo Monday June 4th, and said the car needed removed from a backyard at a jobsite he was working at, and they only wanted something like $1500 for it. He put me in touch with the lady who I thought owned the car, and I explained that I enjoy fixing up old cars and how I had been told about the Delorean in the backyard which was only about a mile from where I work. She said she had power of attorney over the car as well as a 1990 Corvette owned by her cousin who was in a nursing home but returning home soon. She claimed he was a hoarder and the cars had to go. I asked about the price to which she explained she had to talk to her husband first. The next day, Tuesday June 5th, I called to see how the discussion went, and she said that now the attorney was requiring that she list the car for sale before she would be legally allowed to sell it to me privately. I said okay but please let me know what to do because I really would like to own the car. The next day, Wednesday June 6th, she called and told me she sold the car to a local dealer. I was devastated, and called her back Friday June 8th to see if there was anything that could be done. She said she had not signed it over yet but was going to in two hours, and also that she now realized she knows my Dad and myself and is a member of our church. She said she felt horrible for not selling the car to me, and never would have done this if she knew who I was. I said I was going to call the dealer if she didn't mind, and ask him to let me buy the car since I had been the first caller. I did, and he refused. I have since tried calling him with no response and have written him a letter even offering to trade a '59 Cadillac. It may be the end of the road for me with this DMC, but I don't think my Delorean story is over just yet.