Quote Originally Posted by Helirich View Post
Very nice looking stuff.

When you box the control arms, do you put drain holes in the lowest part? Is it completely sealed? Otherwise, I think it will rust from the inside. If it is sealed, you should "oil" the inside. Just drill a 1/8" hole and pour a small amount of linseed oil in. Then weld up the hole. After it cools, rotate the part several times to allow the oil to coat the inside. This is standard procedure for aircfart frames. It makes a big differnce.
I also did mine in a very similar manner early this year. It's just plate steal welded on the bottom leaving it open from end to end. I don't think much water would be able to collect do to just simply driving the car. If one was really concerned about the little water that might be there you could just simply jack up the car and it would come out. If you're really particular you could wash them out with a hose.

Dave B.