I don't claim this to be a novel idea, only to put all the ideas in one place. This isn't the kind of software I do, I'm a systems architect/embedded systems guy, but if
someone was really interested in making this, I'd be happy to help out with the details. A lot of this is the bread and butter stuff of most websites and web developers -
UI design, databases, etc, etc.

The DFP (or whatever name you want) is essentially an inventory of *all* DeLorean parts. That is, all the original parts assembled at the factory,
and all the variants thereof. Also, all the alternative parts by vendor, and all the counter parts available from the mainstream suppliers, etc, etc.

Some of the inspiration for this comes from Bricklink, which has inventory for Lego sets - the difference there is inventories are (mostly) set in
stone. Here we're dealing with parts from multiple vendors, optional parts, unavailable parts, etc.

Such a project would be a great deal of work. First, it needs a database and user interface design to deal with all this, and take
community and vendor submissions. You'll probably have to work with all the vendors to tie into their inventories some how, and you'll have
to deal with constant updates.

The ultimate (if perhaps foolish) goal would be two fold - being able to figure out 100% of the parts to build a DeLorean from scratch, and more
importantly, as a resource for enthusiasts to find replacement parts and see notes about each, etc.

I hope you have a year or two free.