Introducing the world’s first DeLorean Vehicle Mobile Application:

The Texas DeLorean club has hosted the VIN chronology, the DeLorean Registry, and the DeLorean Owners Directory for a number of years now. You can easily get to this data on your PC using your favorite browser and navigating to And yes, you can also get there on your smart phone using a browser such as FireFox. But, as an alternatively, this new DeLorean Mobile App brings this information to your smart phone without the need to use a browser. And therefore you no longer have to view information in a tiny web-page format that needs to be zoomed in.

This first release of the new Mobile App (version 1.0) is a no frills tool, simple in function. In current form, it is useful to those with interest in DeLorean Chronology or the Registry (some 8832 cars). And of course, to those who have chosen to be apart of the DeLorean Owners Directory (, it provides owner contact information (currently some 830+ members). But probably more importantly, this release will serve as a launch platform for some new features already in the works, sure to excite every DeLorean owner.

This Mobile App is easy to use. The top portion is for simple VIN lookups (enter the last 5 digits of the VIN being looked for). Common info is displayed. The bottom portion is for Directory lookups. Enter the VIN you are looking for per above, but also provide your own VIN and your password (the one you provided when you signed up in the DOD). If all is correct, owner contact information, preferences, and other misc. information is displayed.

The new DeLorean Mobile App is for Android phone users. You can get it from the Play Store – Search for “DeLoreans” under "Auto & Vehicles". It is offered free of charge and Ad free by the Texas Delorean club. Enjoy.

Instructions for downloading the App from the Play Store on Android phone:

  1. Bring up the Play Store App

  2. On the Search input, enter “DeLoreans” (include quotes, be sure to include the “s” and the end of DeLorean.

  3. Scroll down until you find “DeLorean – Citizenkidd – Auto & Vehicles”

  4. Select and then click “Install”, then click “Open”
