So if happened. On my way to a car show (for a CHKD charity I might add) I was pulled over by Hirohito and his pal Adolf of the VA State Troopers. For..... *ding ding ding ding* you guessed it! NO FRONT PLATE! Tried to explain but, but it was no joy on all scenarios for these pricks. Got myself a ticket for 30 bucks, but the bitch of it is the court fees are 66 bucks, and it doesn't matter if you prepay or go to court, you still have to pay the fees. Bummer... Oh well. Whatcha gonna do?

So I've decided I'm gonna go to court and hope for a reasonable judge, but just incase that doesn't work, I'm planning on installing a hybrid of both the "hide-a-plate" and the SS bracket from DPI that requires no drilling. I'll be buggerd if I'm gonna drill into that fucking fascia. No way man. Hopefully my idea will pan out. I'll post pics when I'm done!