Yes...this is the Real DeLorean Limousine...from sketch to stainless.

This will be a General DeLorean Limo Progress Milestones thread, with photos.
I plan to re-create the more detailed threads as well, with associated photos.

For those of you that do not know (or need a re-fresh), my DeLorean Limo
idea was first sketched during DCS 2000 after I met JZD in person for the first
time. Although I had hoped to finish this project many years ago and I also
had hoped to give JZD a ride in it at a later DCS, neither happened before 2005.

Now, after creating a DeLorean Monster Truck (D Rex), a DeLorean Hovercraft
(and 3 appearances on Discovery Channel), a DeLorean Roadster (in re-fresh)
and a few other projects, it was time to give the DeLorean Limo some quality
time, and hopefully, this project will be nearing its completion soon.

So, to start off this thread, sketch to stainless, is a photo of the modified sketch
as of 2009 and a photo of the state of the stainless as of the Summer of 2010.



More threads, more details and more photos to come.

Rich W.