All right everyone, we got some information for those of you wanting to come to the DeLorean get-together at the Cincinatti St Patrick's Day Parade!

We will be lining up on Eggleston Avenue facing North. (like we used to in the olden days when we first started doing this parade) We are #206, so we will be towards the front of Division Two also known as the “St Brigid” division. Arrival time is no later than 10:30 am, the parade kicks off at noon, and we are usually done by around 2:30 PM at the latest. The parade website is

This is a biggie - last year I went before my car was up here, and we had somewhere around 25 DeLoreans. For everyone in DCO, I will be providing a mass email ([email protected]) in the next day or two with the pre-get-together location and the post-parade location at the Conlon's. It is a great time, and you get the chance to meet a lot of new owners.

Easily the first big, big event of 2013. Saturday is looking to be a high of 48 (boo, I agree), so it won't be too bad of weather for a parade!