Why Delorean failed
I was employed by DMC Belfast for just over four years and only one of a handful of employees to have achieved the four year milestone. Starting in December 1978 and finishing January 1983.My job as Purchasing Manager was to procure the parts designed.....Continue reading here

Just another evening shift at DeLorean
As though we didn't have enough problems, things were made worse by numerous bomb scares made during the summer months of 1981. These resulted in the entire factory being evacuated and the premises searched to find the device. This involved the search of seventy two acres of land and..... Continue reading here

The search for the perfect fuel tank
In early 1979 at the request of John DeLorean, Lotus Cars and the DeLorean team commenced a search for a variety of products that would be specified for the DMC12 to satisfy the car's ethos in being corrosion resistant. One of the first items to be investigated would be..... Continue reading here