I received this email below, but unfortunately I am no longer in the Northeast. She may be interested in a stock DeLorean as well.


I'd like to inquire about renting your beautiful Delorean for a period this September, and I was interested in getting a price quote for 1 day and for a 3 day rental, as well. I work for a company in Philadelphia that is marketing a large outdoor event space called The Piazza at Schmidt's. We came up with the idea of doing a "throwback" summer movie series on our big screen that would either begin or culminate in the BTTF trilogy - I think it would be a super cool idea to have the Delorean parked here in the Piazza for people to sit in, take pictures with, etc. during the days the movie is being shown.

We are thinking Thursday 9/25, or, depending on what we can work out, 9/24-9/26 to be here for all three showings. The event is still in the planning stages, so if you are flexible on dates let me know. If September doesn't work for you, it would probably be three dates in May, 5/21-5/24. Let me know what your thoughts are and I hope to hear from you.


Jesse Levine
Marketing Manager

Office: 267.318.7277
Cell: 201.334.6989
Fax: 267.639.5121
[email protected] | www.hipphilly.com