View Full Version : The Southern California DeLorean Club (SCDC)

  1. Hello Southern California DeLorean Club
  2. Welcome to SCDC!
  3. If you are wondering about the Southern California DeLorean Club ........
  4. Events held by DeLorean Enthusiasts in Southern California
  5. Updated website...
  6. 2016 Spring Drive - June 11th
  7. Are you coming to DeLorean Weekend 2017 ? (Oct 5-9)
  8. 2018 SoCal events
  9. Can anyone do a temp sensor?
  10. Swedish Automotive Service in Santa Ana
  11. San Diego
  12. Looking for owners local to West LA to help with FRAMING JOHN DELOREAN events....
  13. Special Screening of Framing John DeLorean - June 26th - Santa Monica with Bob Gale..
  14. New delorean owner in rancho cucamonga