View Full Version : Ok I started a Go Fund me account for a Delorean!

Chris Burns
03-05-2015, 10:50 AM
I will probably get flack over this, but here we go!!


03-05-2015, 03:39 PM
I wish you the best, but have to post the obligatory :popcorn:

03-05-2015, 04:41 PM
I'm sure I'm going to get some hate for this, but I'm going to ask anyway.

Could you explain a little further why we should donate? Are you a disabled veteran and can't work and this is the only way you can afford one? I'm all for donating it if that's the case.

If not, what makes you so deserving over someone else? I wanted one for as long as I can remember too, but I never got one handed to me. I spent years busting my butt at work, saving penny after penny, skipping out on vacations with family and friends to make it happen. I was willing to work for it and I think it made me appreciate mine that much more than if someone just handed me one.

I'm not trying to talk down to you, so don't think that. You seem to be an alright guy and I know you love these cars as much as I do. I just don't understand why you can't go out and buy one like the rest of us had too. If you can't afford the whole lump sum all at once, then take out a loan.

03-05-2015, 05:10 PM
Because we live in a world now where people feel they should get something for nothing, like they are owed it.

03-05-2015, 05:19 PM
I see you followed the 25k rule.


03-05-2015, 09:13 PM
I'm sure I'm going to get some hate for this, but I'm going to ask anyway.

Could you explain a little further why we should donate? Are you a disabled veteran and can't work and this is the only way you can afford one? I'm all for donating it if that's the case.

If not, what makes you so deserving over someone else? I wanted one for as long as I can remember too, but I never got one handed to me. I spent years busting my butt at work, saving penny after penny, skipping out on vacations with family and friends to make it happen. I was willing to work for it and I think it made me appreciate mine that much more than if someone just handed me one.

I'm not trying to talk down to you, so don't think that. You seem to be an alright guy and I know you love these cars as much as I do. I just don't understand why you can't go out and buy one like the rest of us had too. If you can't afford the whole lump sum all at once, then take out a loan.

Seriously. All of this. I can't even expand on this post at all because it's worded so perfectly.

Chris 16409
03-05-2015, 09:42 PM
Chris with all the research you do and all the publicity you bring to the car, have you thought of monetizing what you do? I would seriously contact DMCH and convince them to hire you as a freelancer to work on their internet publicity. Maybe be in charge of their Facebook page. Hey if you can tell them you can increase their profits with the business you bring them, you'd have a good case for a job. Promoting a business can be a full time job. You could offer them a lot. Give it a try!

03-05-2015, 10:43 PM
If you put your mind to it you can accomplish anything

Ya I went there

03-06-2015, 03:55 AM
Where will you take the money to maintain the car? We all know it's not cheap!


03-06-2015, 07:58 AM
I'm sure I'm going to get some hate for this, but I'm going to ask anyway.

Could you explain a little further why we should donate? Are you a disabled veteran and can't work and this is the only way you can afford one? I'm all for donating it if that's the case.

If not, what makes you so deserving over someone else? I wanted one for as long as I can remember too, but I never got one handed to me. I spent years busting my butt at work, saving penny after penny, skipping out on vacations with family and friends to make it happen. I was willing to work for it and I think it made me appreciate mine that much more than if someone just handed me one.

I'm not trying to talk down to you, so don't think that. You seem to be an alright guy and I know you love these cars as much as I do. I just don't understand why you can't go out and buy one like the rest of us had too. If you can't afford the whole lump sum all at once, then take out a loan.

AMEN.. I worked 2 jobs and saved for 10 years before I had my chance. It really did make it sweeter though... Just sayn

03-06-2015, 08:23 AM
Chris with all the research you do and all the publicity you bring to the car, have you thought of monetizing what you do? I would seriously contact DMCH and convince them to hire you as a freelancer to work on their internet publicity. Maybe be in charge of their Facebook page. Hey if you can tell them you can increase their profits with the business you bring them, you'd have a good case for a job. Promoting a business can be a full time job. You could offer them a lot. Give it a try!

This is a good idea

Where will you take the money to maintain the car? We all know it's not cheap!

A very good point here too

03-06-2015, 09:16 AM


Seriously. All of this. I can't even expand on this post at all because it's worded so perfectly.

^and definitely this, but if it were reworded...

Because we live in a world now where people feel they should get something for nothing, like they are owed it.

...it would come out like this^

Seriously Chris, we all like you. I like you. But you had to know how poorly this was going to be received.

It's not that complicated. If you want something, work hard and go get it. No one has the same recipe for how to get it, but it won't fall in your lap and will always require you to work hard, even relentlessly to get it.

I'd say you just don't want it bad enough. That's ok. That actually makes it a bit easier. Because when you do wake up one day and realize you want it as much as anything you've ever wanted, you'll find out a way to get it. And it won't be through donations from Joe Public unfortunately.

...so my smart-a$$ side can't resist...

Have you checked down at the DeLorphanage yet? Maybe the Dork has dropped off another abandoned car delivery on the front porch and it's just waiting for someone to come along and take care of it?

Or maybe stop by the local DeLorean Welfare office and see if they can put one on lay away for you?


03-06-2015, 01:41 PM
Chris with all the research you do and all the publicity you bring to the car, have you thought of monetizing what you do? I would seriously contact DMCH and convince them to hire you as a freelancer to work on their internet publicity. Maybe be in charge of their Facebook page. Hey if you can tell them you can increase their profits with the business you bring them, you'd have a good case for a job. Promoting a business can be a full time job. You could offer them a lot. Give it a try!

This was the exact same thought I had as soon as I saw this thread. Chris puts more hours of research into locating & tracking for sale cars and publicly posting them than I think anyone in the history of the DeLorean community has ever bothered to do. I wonder how many people have bought or sold their DeLoreans as a result of Chris' efforts? There are many folks in the car hobby who charge fees for such work. Chris has always just done this out of unbridled love for the marque. That, combined with his unceasing boosterism, has to have some sort of monetary value.

Bottom line- Chris is a very positive force in the DeLorean community. I feel it's safe to say anyone who has been a part of the hobby during the last decade has benefitted from his efforts. I don't think there is anything wrong with people giving back to Chris if they feel inclined to do so.

03-06-2015, 02:13 PM
You could actually do worse, considering what goes on in many so-called nonprofits. However, the proponents of this effort should make good on their claimed altruistic ideals.

Rich W
03-06-2015, 02:40 PM
You could actually do worse, considering what goes on in many so-called nonprofits. However, the proponents of this effort should make good on their claimed altruistic ideals.

Interesting idea ... there are other ways of making something like this happen.


Say, for instance, maybe Chris re-focuses his efforts (and his mission statement) as a DeLorean Good-Will Ambassador and once he acquires a DeLorean,
he can "Give Back" to the both the DeLorean Community and the public at large, by making himself available to display his DeLorean at Charity Events.

I know our DeLorean club gets requests all the time from "Make a Wish Foundation" and others, and unfortunately during the Winter, we do not have too
many volunteers to bring their DeLoreans out with a lot of snow, ice and road salt. We had a request last month that we needed to re-schedule to April.

For most local charity events, our DMC Club members will do a charity event for free, but if we need to travel a long distance (and/or to another state),
some members request fuel re-imbursement and sometimes a one night hotel room, which most of the charity organizations are happy to provide.

03-06-2015, 06:16 PM
This is a truly fantastic idea.

We work our asses off to pay for everything from our homes to cars to health cover to insurance to electricity to so more in taxes than we actually get to spend... imagine the possibility that other people can pay for stuff for us!

To that end, could someone pay for my groceries this week? Reason - we need them, my kids and I get hungry.

No, wait, that's a necessity. Silly me.

Okay, could someone instead pay for an around the world trip for me? Reason - I'd love to see the world. Never have the cash for that, so perfect circumstance for it to be everyone else's problem.

No, wait, let's directly compare. We need a new family car - seriously. We cannot afford it because our our immense living costs, especially the pathetic level of taxes this particular state of Australia is inflicting upon us at the moment, against our income leaves no room. Plain and simple fact - need it but simply can't afford it. So my wife began working another job to bring in the funds to cover it. I must tell her how silly that was - one can simply ask everyone else to pay for it instead!

Alright enough of my utter shock and disbelief... onto productive feedback.

My first thought was the same as everyone else - you used to perform what everyone said was a highly valued service. Why not formalise that - create a dmcsales.com website to publish all the information you used to compile, publish all the information (and more) on the cars, but do NOT provide contact details... you control the contact information, you refer the customer on to the seller or vice versa, on the condition of a referral fee. Let's just say it was $50 - nobody is going to turn that down as you only earn that if the referral actually results in a sale. As it grows, only after it grows, and you become THE place for DeLorean car sales THEN you can switch the sales model - charging for the listing of cars. e.g. $10 to list a DeLorean, no referral fee anymore. Then rather than earning $50 whenever a car sells, you are now THE place ALL DeLoreans get listed and you earn $10 for every one of them. Then you can slowly increase that to the level you want (bearing in mind to not get ridiculous and kill your business in the process).

I'm not spouting this out my ass - I'm speaking from experience. I started and ran an online business for 12 years and it was FAR more difficult than what I explained, the entire purpose of my business was to bring competing businesses for a particular industry together into one place, so the very concept was a total nightmare to pull off... yet within a couple of years it became THE place everyone had to be and the clients were knocking on MY door to be involved. Once I pulled that off I was then able to switch my business model from my temporary one designed to get things going (basically just charging a fee to be involved) to the one I had originally wanted to get going (charging a percentage on every single item sold).

Nicholas R
03-06-2015, 06:43 PM
Chris, haven't you been offered jobs by multiple Delorean vendors in the past? Why not take one of them up on their offer?

Delorean Industries
03-06-2015, 07:11 PM
He was offered 50k starting out plus a company Delorean fully maintained on our dime to promote the company.