View Full Version : Are you coming to DeLorean Weekend 2017 ? (Oct 5-9)

09-15-2017, 02:28 PM
Are you coming to DeLorean Weekend 2017 ? (Oct 5-9)

This is going to be our biggest year yet, with 20 DeLoreans expected from Nevada, California, Utah, Idaho, and the rest of the West Coast.

About 60 DeLorean Owners and Enthusiasts are expected to attend. Even if you can't bring your car, come along for the fun!

We have driving tours, a family-style BBQ, and banquet dinners with guest speakers.

Let us know you're going on our Facebook event page:


and register at:


Registration is free! It's going to be a blast! See you there!

The DeLorean Weekend Team

10-13-2018, 09:53 PM
I didn't see a thread for this year's event, but wanted to thank this wonderful group for their hospitality. I was fortunate enough to attend the Thursday night Meet and Greet while in town and met several owners and looked at their cars.

It was a great highlight to end a busy work week. I only wish I had my car there to participate in the weekend activities.

Hope you all had a great time. :cheers:
