View Full Version : Spring 2022 Cruise Weekend, Sponsored by AZ-D

Ethan Rode
01-09-2022, 04:55 AM

Last year's cruise to Wickenburg was a resounding success with 11 DeLoreans in attendance.

This spring, we're taking it up a couple notches!

Who: Anyone who owns or loves DeLoreans!

When Thursday, March 24th to Saturday March 26th

Where: Our event will be headquartered at Dennis Keer's place in Oak Creek Village, south of Sedona

The Plan:

Events will commence Thursday evening with a BYOB get-together at our HQ location.
Friday AM we will cruise to Cottonwood for Brunch at TBD Location. Afternoon is free to enjoy the beautiful Verde Valley. We'll reconvene at HQ Friday evening for a catered dinner.
Saturday AM we will cruise up through Sedona, and onward to Flagstaff via 89A. We'll have lunch in Flagstaff which will conclude the planned event.


What about Lodging?
I recommend making reservations ASAP. All hotels in Oak Creek Village are within 10 minutes of HQ

What about COVID?
We' re encouraging everyone to follow CDC recommendations regarding social distancing and mask-wearing. Bottom line: be considerate of your own health, and the health of those around you.

Can I just come up for the day?
Yes, absolutely. Just let us know your plans when you RSVP.

I'm not sure if my car is ready for this.
Please let Ethan know ASAP if you need assistance. If you own a Delorean, we want it there!

Are there plans to meet up and convoy from Phoenix?
Not yet. We're open to suggestions

When do I need to RSVP by?
Please RSVP to [email protected] by March 11, 2021

We look forward to seeing you there!

Ethan Rode and Dennis Keer