View Full Version : 81 D on eBay

12-05-2011, 03:48 PM
VIN 7021

Anyone seen it? Know of it? Had a look?


12-05-2011, 08:44 PM
I have not seen this car myself, but I offer some observations based solely on the pictures (because I get a bit irked when I see write-ups that brag about cars being "exceptionally clean"):

- Fuel gauge does not appear to be functional as they tend to point straight up when they fail (as this one does).
- De-ice shield is mounted on the wrong bolt (which does this then make you also wonder about the quality of the work done on any of the other recalls?)
- Original car = Good selling feature... Original yellow plastic coolant bottle = Not a good selling feature.
- It might just be me, but there are an awful lot of rusty bolt heads and the such in the engine bay for a car that has a perfect frame, etc., etc. The de-ice bolt head was the first one I saw, but add to that the tops of the 6 distributor connectors, and the engine cover hinge bracket.
- Looks like some sort of peeling paint job on the A/C compressor. Might be a story there.

12-06-2011, 09:53 PM
The entire AC compressor has been replaced. Look at the hoses, someone didn't swap the back plate.