View Full Version : Steve McQueen in Bullitt

02-19-2012, 08:17 PM
Never seen this movie till now. Nice cars and chases. My guy movie pic of the week.

What are your favorite/recommended movies?

02-19-2012, 09:01 PM
If you liked that, go watch Ronin.

02-19-2012, 09:50 PM
my two favorite movies are The Matrix and Inception.

i also like sci-fi, action, zombie, foreign films, and weird/twisted/offbeat movies like those by David Lynch and Darren Aronofsky.

too many to list, of course.

Jeff K
02-19-2012, 09:58 PM
Hot Tub Time Machine!

It's a salute to the 80'! (which obviously we all like)

Chris Burns
02-19-2012, 10:23 PM
There are many car guy movies out there that I like, but the one I was just watching was "The Hunter" with Steve Mcqueen where he drives a 79 Trans-Am. Bad ending for the car though!

Delorean Industries
02-19-2012, 10:25 PM
There are many car guy movies out there that I like, but the one I was just watching was "The Hunter" with Steve Mcqueen where he drives a 79 Trans-Am. Bad ending for the car though!

One of his greatest performances. Many say he knew it would be his last film and that he didn't have long.

02-19-2012, 11:19 PM
A Clockwork Orange. A little of the 'ol ultraviolence at the milkbar.
Westworld. Yul!
Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Bueller? Bueller? Bueller?
Sleuth. 2 guys in the whole movie and you'd swear there were many more....great.

02-19-2012, 11:25 PM
A Clockwork Orange.

Stanley Kubrick movies! i knew i forgot something from my list...

02-19-2012, 11:38 PM
Car movies you should see;

Vanishing Point
Blues Brothers
Dirty Mary Crazy Larry
The Driver (Original)
Le Mans
Smokey and the Bandit
Cannon Ball Run
Italian Job (Original)
Gone in 60 Seconds (Original)

02-20-2012, 01:52 PM
I really liked "Layer Cake".
I was a big fan of The Matrix until the W bros. got all crazy with the second two
Alien and Aliens... Fuck the other abortions
Die Hard
Star Wars: Original originals, before Lucas fucked 'em up.
Girl with the Dragon Tattoo: Both versions.
Moon: a great tribute to the seminal works of sci-fi, and a good film in its own right.
A Few Good Men
Red Planet
True Romance
Inglorious Basterds

I ver much enjoyed the HBO mini series "From the Earth to the Moon" and kinda along the same line "The Dish" about how the Australians played a roll in the Apollo moon landing.... I'm sure there's more, but thats the best I can do for now.

David T
02-20-2012, 02:09 PM
Other notable "car" movies
Death race 2000 (the original)
Used Cars (done by the same people that did the BTTF films)
Vanishing Point
The Heist
The French Connection
The Fast and the Furious

There are a lot of movies where the car became a "Star" and/or there are memorable chase scenes.

David Teitelbaum

02-20-2012, 04:09 PM
WOW, no one mentioned the great 70's Classic. The Original GUMBALL RALLY Predecessor to the Cannonball Series.

Other notables.

Corvette summer (loved the Snarling Hood scoop and right hand drive)
Mother Jugs and Speed.

02-20-2012, 04:11 PM
From the 80's it's a toss-up between The Breakfast Club and Ferris Bueller... and of course BTTF. I'm not sure if I can quote more lines from BTTF or from Christmas Vacation!

I love the weirdo, mind twist, "ah ha" endings with some movies. Two of my favorites along those lines are The Usual Suspects and The Game. Same for Se7en, albeit I little more on the sick and twisted side.

If I'm looking for a "blare the surround sound" action sequence, I'll put in certain scenes from Gladiator or Pearl Harbor.

Nostalgic Sci-Fi goes to Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan or The Last Starfighter.

Love the sports movies. Especially an underdog. Rudy takes the cake there, but Field of Dreams is a close second.

And I've always had a soft spot for the part in Superman Returns when he comes back and saves Lois :)

Man, this list could go on for ever... Terminator 2, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Silence of the Lambs, Star Wars... Good thread!!

02-21-2012, 02:33 AM
What made the original Matrix such a great flick was that it had a great hacker feel to it. It was a great scenario of future technological concepts being forced to run on antiquated equipment which lots of people could somewhat identify with. Part 2 just broke down into being a commercial where the old antiquated stuff got replaced with newer crap. Switching from the old Lincoln Continental to becoming a General Motors commercial, and the newer Samsung phones that were marketed with the movie instead of the Nokia ones were really the sorest points.

As for car movies...
Easy Rider
Le Mans
Dust to Glory

and of course...

Mad Max/Road Warrior/Beyond Thunderdome.

02-21-2012, 05:02 AM
I am really a big fan of movies that involve natural disasters. I love the concept of man vs. nature type settings, when men normally can't beat natural disasters but they have to either run away or withstand them. True, they aren't great movies, but when seeing them for the first time, if it really moves me or not really, then I'll be excited to see more of it.

Twister, 2012, Category 6: Day of Destruction, Category 7: End of the World, Dante's Peak, Volcano, Towering Inferno, Day After Tomorrow, The Perfect Storm, 10.5, and one movie I saw on TV one time that involved huge forest fires and the people stuck at the very heart of the forest ended up hiding in aluminum bags in hopes of survival.

02-21-2012, 09:13 AM
I am really a big fan of movies that involve natural disasters. I love the concept of man vs. nature type settings, when men normally can't beat natural disasters but they have to either run away or withstand them. True, they aren't great movies, but when seeing them for the first time, if it really moves me or not really, then I'll be excited to see more of it.

Twister, 2012, Category 6: Day of Destruction, Category 7: End of the World, Dante's Peak, Volcano, Towering Inferno, Day After Tomorrow, The Perfect Storm, 10.5, and one movie I saw on TV one time that involved huge forest fires and the people stuck at the very heart of the forest ended up hiding in aluminum bags in hopes of survival.

Hiding in Aluminum bags? Wouldn't that just turn them into human Jiffy Pops? (This attempt at a joke is only relevant if people are old enough to remember Jiffy Pop).

02-21-2012, 09:32 AM
What made the original Matrix such a great flick was that it had a great hacker feel to it. It was a great scenario of future technological concepts being forced to run on antiquated equipment which lots of people could somewhat identify with. Part 2 just broke down into being a commercial where the old antiquated stuff got replaced with newer crap. Switching from the old Lincoln Continental to becoming a General Motors commercial, and the newer Samsung phones that were marketed with the movie instead of the Nokia ones were really the sorest points.

i agree entirely. the first Matrix is one of my favorite movies, but the other two just cant compare. i think i saw the sequels in their entirety one time. it was a shame, really, because the first one was so amazing... i was looking forward to the sequels for a long time. the Wachowski brothers definitely dropped the ball.


Hiding in Aluminum bags? Wouldn't that just turn them into human Jiffy Pops?


02-21-2012, 07:30 PM
Only a couple people survived under those bags by the way. Ones that died suffered from the extreme heat. I know what you mean about those Jiffy Pop bags. I likely wasn't around when they were like that especially when you can't stick them in mics anyway. :tongue:

02-25-2012, 11:31 PM
Grand Prix. Tremendous showmanship in the racing sequences and distinctive, experimental splitscreen effects.

The Blue Max. Tremendous showmanship in the aerial sequences and a great Jerry Goldsmith score.

Both suffer from '60s potboileriness in their plots, but more than make up for it in the visuals.

Master and Commander. This movie peculiarly got an art-house treatment in its original theatrical release, when it's really an old-fashioned adventure flick (albeit a superbly made and acted one).

Rollerball (the original James Caan one). One of the best of several '70s near-future dystopian movies, along with Logan's Run, THX-1138, Omega Man, Soylent Green, Silent Running, etc.

02-26-2012, 03:32 PM
I haven't seen any mention of it, but the main chick in the new show Alcatraz is driving a Bullitt. I guess it makes sense since she's a cop/detective in San Francisco too.