View Full Version : Frame & Body Rear Quarter/Rear Fascia/Louvre Alignment - How to fix? Is yours lined up nice?

04-02-2014, 09:21 AM
I've seen this scenario on a lot of cars: One side of the louvre is overlapping the rear bumper and the rear bumper doesn't line up with the rear quarters....
Is your car this way also or do you have a perfect or near perfect alignment of everything? Excuse the dusty car...

https://scontent-b-iad.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/v/t34.0-12/10153610_10153941673840696_1345386633_n.jpg?oh=ba0 49b363ddffe23b6d7b2879b914661&oe=533E6FC1

Here is the other side, not bad, but has a bigger gap between the louvres and pass rear quarter than the driver side:

https://scontent-b-iad.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/v/t34.0-12/10149370_10153941674640696_695415085_n.jpg?oh=8662 944d119d41051aca48ec30f5f56a&oe=533E7AFD

So I did some measuring. I have a perfect 3/8" gap between the top of the louvres and the t-panel all the way across. I also have a perfect 3/8" gap between the top side of the louvres to either rear quarter panel. So that tells me I should be good there. As you go further down the louvres the passenger rear quarter to louvre gap gets bigger by a 1/4". The driver side gap is pretty straight, maybe a 1/16" bigger at the bottom compared to the top.

So my consensus is that that rear pass quarter panel needs to move in towards the center of the car at the bottom a 1/4". I can then move the rear bumper over to the driver side a 1/4", which would then improve the fitment of the rear bumper to the rear quarters and also improve the gap between the louvres and rear quarters. However, when I started taking reference measurements from each side, both rear quarters equal the same distance which would indicate they are in alignment to the body. I'm missing something.....what is it?

Has anyone tried to move the back of the rear quarter in to improve alignment? It is already up against the pontoon below the rear side window. Also, you would have to elongate the holes on the mounting tabs. The seam where the two body halves come together might also be in the way of allowing it to move in.
Below is a pic of the back when I first took ownership with the rear bumper removed:


Any help and reference pics would be greatly appreciated.