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  1. View Conversation
    Nice! Sounds like you made a lot of progress! I actually just did the LED conversion too, everything except whats in the binnacle, it definitely made a big difference. I don't get below 13v now. I bought new shocks and springs awhile back, but everyone says to get the adjustable rear links, LCA Brace kit and bushings, so I'm waiting to get that stuff before doing the suspension. I have a small leak from the rear main seal, but other than that the car is running fine. Have you been taking the car out a lot? BTW the Delorean Mid Atlantic Club is having a meet down in Mays Landing on May 2nd if you haven't heard!
  2. View Conversation
    Hey! How's the car coming along?
  3. Hey, how is the D doin? How's the first few months of DeLorean ownership?
  4. View Conversation
    Nice, I'll have to check that out thanks! What are you doing brake-wise? I am considering if I want to just get new pads or overhaul the system.
  5. View Conversation
    Hey did you do your bushing yet? Me and my friend were considering trying to do it, but none of the walkthroughs Ive found have pics, so Im a bit hesitant. If you havent done yours yet maybe we can do them together so I can copy your work haha
  6. View Conversation
    Hey! How's the car coming?
  7. View Conversation
    haha thats good! Yeah I ordered the bushing from DMC, should be interesting, not looking forward to pulling the column, but hopefully it will be worth it!
  8. View Conversation
    No problem, good luck with the projects! A couple more questions for you, did you have the steering column bushing issue? If so did you fix it yet? Thats probably the most annoying thing about the car, the column has soo much movement in it, especially when you have to turn it hard while backing out etc. Second, have you every charged your A/C? Thanks again!
  9. View Conversation
    Yeah the exterior and the interior look great, but it definitely needs some work (as I expected). The angle drive probably needs to be replaced, the steering column is really loose, probably because of no bushing, and the engine idles a little rough. But I would love to get your input also. If you get the car going and want to meet up Saturday let me know. Sunday I am going away for a week but we could always meet up after I get back. Maybe in South Philly at a big parking lot like the Best Buy or something? Also I noticed your thread on the tachometer being stuck, did you figure it out? Mine did the same thing yesterday, its frozen at 2500
  10. View Conversation
    Hey, now that I have a money pit as well, we should definitely try to meet up and compare notes (or me getting all of your notes). I have already started compiling my to do list and would love to get your input if you have done any of it before. Let me know!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10
About krs09

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Date of Birth
August 1
About krs09
Delorean fan since birth
Delorean, cars, sports and games
Work for Chevrolet


Vin# 4870 - Rebuilt PRV motor - custom seats - fuzzy dash and stock everything else



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04-14-2015 09:15 PM
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03-27-2024 10:50 AM
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