Hello again, I am not sure if you remember me, we met a few years ago when you had a few parts for sale, and I came to your house with my father and daughter, I had my leg in a cast. Ok, I hope that walk down memory lane worked, My name is Curt McIlroy from Battle Creek. Now the reason I am contacting you, I have met a few other Delorean owners that enjoy driving these little cars, and they are on Facebook as "Delorean motor city" and "Delorean midwest connection". A group of us are planning a color tour drive through the NW Ann Arbor area in October, some photos and details are on the Detroit facebook page. I am not a club member, nor am I on a recruiting project, just looking for other owners to join us and our cars. If any of this sounds interesting, or you have any questions, you can get me on here, or E-mail, [email protected] , or call cell#269-967-4047 I will not keep bothering you, Curt