I agree, except it is much easer, and more informative, to spray some ether under the plate to eliminate fuel issues, imho.
Type: Posts; User: Ron
I agree, except it is much easer, and more informative, to spray some ether under the plate to eliminate fuel issues, imho.
Aaah...the new one...had a brain fart.
{Those were the days}
I'm confused -- You posed in this thread. /dmctalk.org/showthread.php-Automatic-Transmission-Governor
Anyhoo, at this point, I agree with just changing out the GC.
Check out section D:02:01 in the DMC WorkshopManual, found in the Resources section HERE.
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RE: For Sale / Wanted Section Rules
Try using a short piece of garden hose as a stethoscope/probe to narrow down the location...
Hey John,
Just ignore if I'm wrong but it seems you may confusing extending gap locations with longer reach plugs. The reach of a spark plug is the distance from the seat of the plug to the end of...
Please post the location.
RE: For Sale / Wanted Section Rules
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Hey Ryan,
Good to hear from you!
I've been watching this one. Beware -- Some of the ads for it are suspicious, E.G, first ad I saw said it was an 81, this one says 83, pic of VIN plate says Aug...
The low side would go negative, I.E., show vacuum.
Remove the fuse and run two wires with male spade connectors to the fuse box. Connect them with a switch to make it easier.
The test shouldn't bother the clutches since you would be performing the...
I'm assuming that, after "the lamps are both off and the problems begin", the lights remain OFF while it coasts along for a bit of time acting up?? If so, I would try repeating the test and pulling...
I see... My first guess would be the GC, new or not considering your other tests results. Put test lights on it if you haven't yet...
Maybe I'm not following all this correctly but:
Are you sure that isn't where you are in 2nd gear (accelerating) and when you let off it shifts up to 3rd (which would drop the RPM, i.e., normal)?...
In that case, I would get the pressure up to ~5.2 bar. Then try plugging the port for the WUR/CPR return line at the FD and putting the return line into a bucket or similar...
No, that's way too low.
Something odd going on here -- I'm with Dave, your pump is too weak, routing wrong, ???70624
Yes. Remove the PPR, CPR/WUR return hose, and the FV-return to tank hose from the FD. Then you can see/figure out where the passage is. All return winds up in that corner...
FWIW- There is a small passage between the FD's port for the CPR/WUR line and the return to tank port. A piece of old PPR o-ring got into the passage on 1669 and made it act as you describe (CPR/WUR...
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Wait for an OE gasket.
The threads are only "locked out"/closed when an item has been purchased/sold, or by OP request.
Members are asked to not post in the For Sale and Services / Want To Buy section(s), unless they are...
The "3rd" wire is what grounds the 2 wires Dave mentions above (see below).
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