Its not for me. I have a Gen 2 exhaust. an owner local is looking for one to convert from a stock exhaust. so We are looking for the whole setup. I figure there is enough engine swappers out there...
Type: Posts; User: hippieman9
Its not for me. I have a Gen 2 exhaust. an owner local is looking for one to convert from a stock exhaust. so We are looking for the whole setup. I figure there is enough engine swappers out there...
I like the fact the Gen 2 has muffler brackets and I think it?s a better built than the Gen 3.
Yes I know.
Anyone selling a Gen 2 Dpi exhaust please DM me. I have a local owner looking for one. Thanks.
Moderator cold you close this thread? Thank you.
I have a set for sale. The Delorean Europe ones. Slightly used $400 plus shipping.
Yes they are!
still for sale?
Yeah, I need to put in for Vacation too if there is to be a DCS would be nice to know ASAP.
He told me that are all sold.
Springs are still available.
Now postponed for another year it looks. Sad, no Delorean events for 2022.
Spax shocks are sold!
Front springs are 12” rear springs are 14 3/4” tall. This is how my car sat with the springs and shocks installed.
I have a great used set of Spax shocks and Delorean Europe springs for sale $400 for the shocks plus actual shipping. $400 for the springs plus actual shipping.
Sanden model 6668. with a GM "Q" type Head.
Silicone lube on inner door seal. Watch the corners for the seal grabbing. Close the door let it sit so they can seat.
Just wondering if there is a plan for an upcoming DCS. would love to attend again. Rich???
Newly made batch of all stainless speedo cable brackets. These are hand made in house and made of heavier material than the OE brackets. They are $63.00 shipped in the USA. please contact me if you...
PM'ed you.
Any updates on host hotel? Looking to make reservations. Thanks!
When I did the flip key it replaced the style you have pictured. If it’s an auto loc system you should be able to program it to either or.
Yes that is the OE antenna relay. If you install a new power antenna the relay is built into the new antenna so that relay is no longer needed.
Even though the stock Speedo, only reads 85mph it will go faster as I’ve had mine up to 110 confirmed with GPS. DMCH does offer a 140 mph speedo though.