163,000 miles and counting.....
Type: Posts; User: SS Spoiler
163,000 miles and counting.....
I mounted my license to a hinge above
radiator opening. it folds away so it won't
block airflow and confuses cops when stopped.
yeah Bruce and I go way back...first trip
was to Tan Tara in Missouri 1988
Andy I have all Delorean Worlds from beginning, all Gullwings, Delorean Car Show,
and seven binders. first 5 are photo copies. 100 bucks plus shipping...let me know
got an odd problem with my car. car starts ok, runs well
but when it gets warm these strange issues pops up.
1... stepping on the brake the idle rises to 2500-3000 rpm.
did you take transmission apart? [stick I presume]
is ring gear backwards? book is wrong...
my idle sometimes climbs to 1500/2000 rpm
when warm, but if I turn my light off and on it
drops to normal.....total mystery...
Where are you located?
same problem, idle creeps up as it warms up.
but if I turn my lights on and off it drops to normal.
I thought those were the bolts we're supposed to
leave tight. opened they will give you vacuum leaks....?
how about the curved bar that goes behind
the block and bolts to the frame? loose bolts?
don't get the two lines mixed, it will
run for ten seconds and quit....
the intake and valve covers can be
ground, sanded and polished to look
like chrome, really dresses up engine.....
rumor has it that Minnesota is going to
emulate the California smog rules....
anybody know for sure?
Make damn sure the splined shaft is
fully seat in the u-joint so the pinch bolt goes
through the groove on the shaft....so you don't
lose your steering....at 70 miles an hour!...
Imagine trying to shift a
crap to the future car.....
168,000....and counting...
I've heard you can put a loose rag in the
tank are blow air into it, and the rag will
flutter around cleaning it. Adding a solvent
to the rag will help. Never tried it but it
sounds logical....
bet your fuel lines are reversed at the pump....
I spent many days grinding, sanding and
buffing it until it gleamed like chrome. knocking
off the rough casting edges really dresses it up.
No I don't know how to upload photos from
my flip...
Call Lauries Deli in Columbia Falls MT...
she has a nice one for sale..
had my leaky, metal ends, radiator recored with a three
core section 31 years ago. I'm running without the shroud
and not over heating. it probably helps that I live in Montana.....
funny thing after I put fluffy sheepskin seat
covers on my head would thump on the door!....
good one Dave....
keep us posted