You can see said vendor's ad for this product from a 1986 DeLorean World mag in a post Patrick provided with the tortion bar jig instructions here: ...
Type: Posts; User: ssdelorean
You can see said vendor's ad for this product from a 1986 DeLorean World mag in a post Patrick provided with the tortion bar jig instructions here: ...
Received this from a friend and thought I'd share here.
"I was at the Detroit Auto Show yesterday and ran into a designer from Italdesign who worked on the Alpha 5. He said the project is...
I was going to ask if it is on track or pops off of the track.
Alot of times helping others and once on my car, either the rear or front track needs to be bent a little bit to keep the...
Casey sold 3 different versions. Small ball, Medium (not a ball, more vertical), Large (not a ball, more vertical).
Which one are you speaking of? I remember the big heavy one that I didn't like so...
I wonder if it is either a bad batch from DMCH's supplier or your airbox as I have been using DMCH's filters for years (via MidWest and now DMCH TX) and haven't noticed any fit issues. I replace my...
And this article showed up in my news feed:
... and they have held up quite well. I personally trust items made pre 2000's as they tend to last almost forever.
My furnace is from 1975 and runs great. Received efficiency notice from gas...
I have heard this same thing.
Also have heard of mis labeled boxes.
Just saw this article on
... and now this guy is going to reproduce 15 more versions of the wide body car according to his u-tube channel on his new site:
I received a message from a friend and surprised no one here has posted yet about DeLorean Labs and the YouTube video with Doc.
More NFTs and electric delorean stuff from DMCH non-classic company.
Awesome. Glad to hear your experience was great and that you are back on the road!
Was this the same rims just larger - or - like the last time they said they were going to do it, but took out some fins and made them a 3 piece assembly?
I use the stock cup/bottle holders beside the seat and carpeted pontoon. :-)
Nothing going on until April that I know of in Columbus area where we have our club's annual meeting.
You could check out Dave Bauerle up in Delaware. He sold his business but still works on...
I'm down in OH but I know a few owners get their car serviced at Monks (
Likewise. Thank you all. I love how this community helps each other out.
Regarding your earlier hotel parking question. I like to park on an end where only 1 other car could be beside me. Also...
On a similar note...
If you got a part that was recently cleaned, coated, refurbished, etc., check it for other tiny parts lodged inside. My friend had a teeny-tiny screw jammed inside of a fuel...
There are no "Toms" in the DeLorean Club of Ohio. We are all currently non-creepers. :-)
In over 260,000 miles I have only needed to use the rear defroster 2 times. Both were in a monsoon like downpour. It would be more beneficial if the rear quarter glass had the defroster lines in it.
Ken Koncelik probably has some. If you are in the Cinci area and don't know him, you should get to know him.
Likewise, drop'n facts.... ICE "dino fuel" does not take "millions of years" to be produced in nature. It is a renewable source. However, the earth is round not flat.
Maybe "green" in color for all the $ shelled out for one but it is not "green" for the environment no matter what marketing says. The mining to find the limited precious metals to make the batteries,...
HUZZAH! and congrats. I am following along too but don't post much. I'm kinda totally opposite of you. I purchased a driver in 2003 at 51K and just drive it like crazy and only fix things that are...