I just had 10718 in for a smog check. As I had posted on the old forum, Deloreans seem to be pretty clean cars. Below are my emissions results:

1982 DMC
CO2 (%): 14.7 (15 mph) 14.7 (25 mph)

HC (PPM): 8 (15 mph) 7 (25 mph)

CO (%) .02 (15 mph) .01 (25 mph)

NO (PPM): 307 (15 mph) 581 (25 mph)

All results are well below the maximum allowable. Best: CO emissions at 25 mph, are 1% of the max allowed. Worse: NO emissions at 25 mph are 60% of the max allowed.

For comparison, I found some results for a 2000 Toyota Camry on the interwebs:

2000 Camry
CO2 (%): 15 (15 mph) 15 (25 mph)

HC (PPM): 49 (15 mph) 12 (25 mph)

CO (%): .04 (15 mph) .01 (25 mph)

NO (PPM): 85 (15 mph) 40 (25 mph)

I found it interesting that the nearly 30 year old emissions technology in our cars is still pretty effective. Just for s#its and giggles, I'd like to see my NO emissions decrease. Perhaps if I got it on the road more? I try to drive her every week, but she rarely gets out for long highway trips.