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Thread: Club still active?

  1. #1
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    Club still active?

    Hey Folks,
    Just wondering if this club is still active. Obviously there are some posts in this thread from last year but the website ( seems a little out of date, and I posted a message on the Facebook page and never got a reply. There's an address to apply for membership on the website, is that still valid? I'm a new owner in Ann Arbor and would love to get involved in a group this summer. Maybe everyone's just hibernating for the winter. Any help would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Daily Driver ssdelorean's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blueshark66 View Post
    Hey Folks,
    Just wondering if this club is still active. Obviously there are some posts in this thread from last year but the website ( seems a little out of date, and I posted a message on the Facebook page and never got a reply. There's an address to apply for membership on the website, is that still valid? I'm a new owner in Ann Arbor and would love to get involved in a group this summer. Maybe everyone's just hibernating for the winter. Any help would be appreciated.
    The DCO side is very active, the DeLorean Motor City (DMC) side not so much. I'm the one who updates both sites and I haven't been given anything in a long time. Over the past few years there have been alot of active Detroit owners who moved out of state and/or sold their cars. And a couple other who are really busy and the club has sort of fizzled. There are a bunch of owners in the area but most are on the anti-social side. Even the Woodward activities have been taken over by Rich W. and the Chicagoland folks. Byron and I try to at least have one Spring meet up but the group is not as big as in years past.

    Did I give you Timothy's contact info there in Ann Arbor all ready? If I'm getting you confused with someone else then there are 3 of you that I know of in Ann Arbor.

    Regarding the address for DMC side, I would hold off as I think Byron Cancelmo possibly moved again and it is not so much a formal cub any more. I can get you his contact as well. I know he would love getting together you and the others. Doug is another good guy and wants to be active. Will get you his info too. Timothy and I will be getting together as well, I will let you know when I swing up there or he down my way.
    Shannon Y
    1st angle drive - 58,027 miles (20 years) -- original
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    5th angle drive - 7,137 miles (10 months 2 days) -- DMCH
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    Thanks for the info. I'd love to get together with some people and attend some events. This is all new to me. I've never been a "car guy" but have always loved DeLoreans. Just bought mine in October. Let me know when you guys plan to do something. I received an email this week from DMC Midwest about an open house they are doing in June, which I would love to attend but may not be able to due to schedule conflicts.

    Thanks so much for the reply!


  4. #4
    Senior Member aotmfilms's Avatar
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    Well...I'm active

    At least with anything east of Woodward. I'm all of the way over in Macomb. About 70 miles from you.

    Two folks that are out where I'm at are Joe and Mike (Mike has a BTTF mod), both don't drive their D's much. I drive mine about once every two weeks in the winter.

    Look at my FB page in my sig. We usually meet up at the Gratiot Cruise in early August and I am a staple at the North Gratiot Cruise by Art Van the third week of September.

    Welcome to ownership! Barring anything see you in Ann Arbor! I should be there early!

    I left DCO because it is just too far...atleast until I have confidence in my D to take it over 100+ miles. Still a good club. DMC is okay too. Byron is a standup guy. I recommend checking out one of his concerts.

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    Yes... yes we are still here. You can find it as DOOM on FB.


    Updated DMC club is called DOOM or DeLorean Owners Of Michigan. I had wanted it DeLorean Rock City.. but others wanted it DOOM.. so DOOM it is.

    Some of us Owners will be here: on Saturday May 20th.

    I know the organizer and he loves DeLoreans. If you plan on coming, please reach out to me before May 1st. HAVE YOUR SUBJECT LIKE IN ALL CAPS and Say YOU OWN A DELOREAN followed by PARTY FOR A PURPOSE.

    You are more than welcome to park your DeLorean out front. Email me at [email protected] if you feel you may want to swing by. DOOM is located here.

    Also I am looking for DeLoreans that want to be in the Memorial Day Parade.

    I have 10 planned openings under the name Cool Cars. But I can get more slots. This parade spot was originally DeLorean Motor City's slot years ago, and we decided to continue under a Cool Cars name. We do Lunch after.

    FB Page: #ProjectDelorean
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    "Back Before the Future"--the story before the story of a crazy dude trying to timetravel...kindof like expedia...only bumpier...

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by aotmfilms View Post

    Updated DMC club is called DOOM or DeLorean Owners Of Michigan. I had wanted it DeLorean Rock City.. but others wanted it DOOM.. so DOOM it is.

    Some of us Owners will be here: on Saturday May 20th.

    I know the organizer and he loves DeLoreans. If you plan on coming, please reach out to me before May 1st. HAVE YOUR SUBJECT LIKE IN ALL CAPS and Say YOU OWN A DELOREAN followed by PARTY FOR A PURPOSE.

    You are more than welcome to park your DeLorean out front. Email me at [email protected] if you feel you may want to swing by. DOOM is located here.

    Also I am looking for DeLoreans that want to be in the Memorial Day Parade.

    I have 10 planned openings under the name Cool Cars. But I can get more slots. This parade spot was originally DeLorean Motor City's slot years ago, and we decided to continue under a Cool Cars name. We do Lunch after.

    Sent a FB group request a few days ago. Hoping to join the group. Moreso, hoping to get some advice on who in the Metro Detroit area might be willing to change out my starter. Cold-calling has resulted in a dozen+ rejections. I have the part. Labor only required.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by kevinmkr View Post
    Sent a FB group request a few days ago. Hoping to join the group. Moreso, hoping to get some advice on who in the Metro Detroit area might be willing to change out my starter. Cold-calling has resulted in a dozen+ rejections. I have the part. Labor only required.
    I'm down in OH but I know a few owners get their car serviced at Monks (
    Shannon Y
    1st angle drive - 58,027 miles (20 years) -- original
    2nd angle drive - 48,489 miles (21 years) -- original from donor
    3rd angle drive - 26,572 miles (2 years 3 months) -- DMCH
    4th angle drive - 21,988 miles (1 year 11 months) -- DMCH
    5th angle drive - 7,137 miles (10 months 2 days) -- DMCH
    6th angle drive - OVER 113,704 miles and counting (OVER 13 yr 1 month & counting) -- new Martin Gutkowski unit
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by ssdelorean View Post
    I'm down in OH but I know a few owners get their car serviced at Monks (
    I have been to Munks but it's been 20 years! When I was there it was a good experience.
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by ssdelorean View Post
    I'm down in OH but I know a few owners get their car serviced at Monks (
    Just got my car back from Munks! Great recommendation. Thank you. It was a flawless experience. Ended up installing the starter.

  10. #10
    Daily Driver ssdelorean's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kevinmkr View Post
    Just got my car back from Munks! Great recommendation. Thank you. It was a flawless experience. Ended up installing the starter.
    Awesome. Glad to hear your experience was great and that you are back on the road!
    Shannon Y
    1st angle drive - 58,027 miles (20 years) -- original
    2nd angle drive - 48,489 miles (21 years) -- original from donor
    3rd angle drive - 26,572 miles (2 years 3 months) -- DMCH
    4th angle drive - 21,988 miles (1 year 11 months) -- DMCH
    5th angle drive - 7,137 miles (10 months 2 days) -- DMCH
    6th angle drive - OVER 113,704 miles and counting (OVER 13 yr 1 month & counting) -- new Martin Gutkowski unit
    over 245K miles

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