While Elvis and I were working on the car cleaning grounds and connection in an attempt to solve for some electrical issues, i'd noticed a visual indication that there was trouble with the alternator. No doubt potting material is deteriorating. This alternator will need to be removed for evaluation and repair.

With a standard de-installation and a minimal amount of mistakes; having the unit on the bench we see that there will be some issues with loosening screws that have galvanic-ally corroded over the years. Some are a lost cause as we see with the capacitor, needing to be ground down and machined later.

With that out of the way, removing the removal of the plastic shroud makes it clear that most of that potting material has ended up in the cooling fins of the lower side of the rectifier. Cleanup, if possible, will be extensive. It was almost no surprise, but still quite amazing that the voltage regulator was all but empty, having completely melted out.

I spend some time with the shroud and various chemicals to see what responds to the residue. Turns out throttle body cleaner seems to have an effect on it.

Next I remove the the nut and pulley with standard tools and procedures ensuring everything stays in order. This is followed by the brushed, which I have about a fifty percent success rate removing the screws. The brushes removed however looked surprisingly good, i will most likely reuse them.

I then remove the four bolts that secure the assembly, and the 3 screws that hold the front bearing into the race. Though, I'm running out of special alternator tools, so, its off to Jason for some special tools for the job.

Behind the scenes there were some discussions about how to remove certain things without damage, some procedures were standard fare. Some setups for pulling bearings out of the races were total custom setups. Both bearings, upon inspection, were more than ready for replacement.

Once separated cleaning was started, the front cover was sand blasted. After that, all of the broken screws were drilled out on the press. It was then cleaned with a variety of chemicals. Brought home the last hole was tapped to 4mm and the brushes test fit.

At this points with two new bearings ordered we end this episode here and wait for parts arrived for test and assembly in the next episode.