I have just acquired a DeLorean VIN 3392.
I am in Prescott.
When is next get together?
Posts: 24
I have just acquired a DeLorean VIN 3392.
I am in Prescott.
When is next get together?
Location: Austin MN
Posts: 612
My VIN: 03500
Congratulations and welcome!
Posts: 34
Location: Las Vegas
Posts: 762
My VIN: 6720
Club(s): (AZ-D) (LVDG)
The AZ club is much more active on AZ-D.org
5 speed, grooved hood, grey interior (Nov '81)
QA1 coilovers, Delorean.eu LCA brackets, DPNW Poly swaybar bushings, DMCMW shock tower bar, Deloreana.com convex mirrors, DPNW Toby Tabs, DPI exhaust, C4 Corvette third brake light, PJ Grady tail light boards, Bitsyncmaster relays
Posts: 24
Where is the best place to have work done on my DeLorean in AZ?