Thanks All,
I think I realise what you are saying. Whilst the gearstick is going into REVERSE... the linkage isn't selecting reverse at the other end.. is that logical ?
Location: England
Posts: 120
My VIN: 07164
Club(s): (DCH)
Thanks All,
I think I realise what you are saying. Whilst the gearstick is going into REVERSE... the linkage isn't selecting reverse at the other end.. is that logical ?
Location: England
Posts: 120
My VIN: 07164
Club(s): (DCH)
Location: England
Posts: 120
My VIN: 07164
Club(s): (DCH)
Happy days I have reverse.
Thanks for the help guys, I will be honest I had no idea gears were so simple. I could see where the old mark where the nut was on the gearshift cable so returned it to there and its fully back working.