That's the understatement of the day. lol
To be honest, I underestimated this project at first, thinking it would be easy. If I didn't have the help of Josh's mind and ability, it wouldn't have happened. If you are serious about it, set a budget, have realistic expectations, expect your car to be out of service for a long while, and be ready to solve problems you had no idea would exist.
But, have fun! This has been a very rewarding project for me personally...being able to achieve something (with the great help of others) has been the highlight of my DeLorean ownership thus far.
Kolin Brown
El Presidente
Indiana DeLorean Motor Club
VIN 3513 (I think), 1.9L VW TDI (ALH) swap, UN1 trans, mechanical injection, Holset HE200WG turbo, Certified Shitbox
Find me on Tubi! Rally North America
"If you can't convince them, confuse them." - Harry S. Truman
Wow, very cool to see a TDI in a DMC. I have swapped a 1st gen (AHU), 2nd gen (ALH) and 4th gen common rail into different Vanagons over the years. I still daily drive an ALH in a syncro that has a Garrett GTB2056 that really moves. Kbrown I'm curious which clutch and flywheel you used with that custom adapter. Does the set up use the stock UN1 input shaft or is it custom ?
I've had a dream about putting a VW 2.5 5 cylinder o7k engine (has same bolt pattern as all the 4 cyl VW's) into my DMC. They have such an exotic sound, are readily available and relatively easy to turbocharge. I'm not sure if there would be oil pan clearance issues with the frame or not as I haven't delved too far into this yet.
JJ36 I look forward to see progress on your BHW swap.