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Thread: Looks like the Alpha V is on life support

  1. #71
    EFI'd dn010's Avatar
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    I'm no businessman but it has appeared to me for quite some time now that they missed the opportunity to do all that. DPI realized what we needed and wanted and is doing all the work updating and building replacement parts. There are options for engine swaps available. They clearly can't produce a new car. With over a half dozen cars they have for sale, there doesn't appear to be a need for additional cars to be assembled. The only recent thing they've done that no one has already was go produce left front fenders in China. They should be focusing on selling parts and service and be happy with what customer base they have left. The people who paid for a production spot will be pissed but the rest of the people who heard about the "new" Alpha 5 coming out (some of who even argued with me that they're already out and for sale) won't even know or care what happened since they have no money in it. The website promoting a car that will never be, should be taken down already. I don't know if all the drama will help or hurt but I will trudge on with my boring, 'original', polluting DeLorean that is made of unpainted steel body panels and still has coke somewhere hidden in it from the factory.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark D View Post
    I think it's just another sad stain on the DeLorean legacy. The real car and real company have a rich history, surrounded by enough controversy as it is. The Alpha 5 adds nothing of value and only adds negativity. I feel for the people who were scammed and it is unfortunate that the DeLorean name is now inseparably attached to the whole thing.

    And I think it does hurt the value of our cars. All of the time, money, and resources that were wasted on the Alpha 5 could have been directed into DMC Classic instead. Collectors take into account parts availability, serviceability, and brand equity when deciding to purchase a collector car. All of those things suffered to some degree due to the resources squandered and controversy brought by the Alpha 5.

    What if DMCH had decided to complete what they started with low volume new vehicle production instead? They could have invested in reproducing NLA parts to make low volume production possible, and the community of existing owners as whole would have benefited as a result. Imagine how the market would have reacted to that instead of what we got with Alpha 5?
    -----Dan B.

  2. #72
    Nit-picking customer(as seen on TV) Iznodmad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael View Post
    Why is EVERYONE including DMCH so tight-lipped about this? After all, the DMCH elites were all there, grinning and pumping this shitshow with their perceived endorsement....even when the rest of the community said it was a scam from the beginning.

    Doesn't anyone in the DMC hierarchy think those "investors" deserve to know what's going on?

    It's almost enough to just make me want to sell my car and get out of the whole culture.
    That?s too easy. It was all about the money and they don?t give a shit about anything or anyone else. Rumor states it was about 18 million (and Sonny V would respond we are only guessing). They sold their souls to the devil once again. Not sure why anyone supports the gang of lying jerks and squatters. They have ruined the name yet again with another wild goose chase, only adding another nasty scar to the history. I think we would be better off if the company dissolved and another person picked up whatever small pieces are left of the NOS stock. But there is not much left other than some sheet metal. The test has been replace with Chinese crap, which will now be heavily taxed (external revenue service commencing) Not sure how they expect to put low cost parts out there when we know the source and what will happen to the costs of those parts. Get ready for a price hike, for those that still purchase from them. The rest should consider USA made parts. Only one vendor offers those!

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