LOL you cant insult me! I agree. I never wanted the dash mat.. but i hated more the different shades on the dash as it was replaced prior to my ownership. adding a new glove box lid made 3 shades. The thought of removing it all to paint or dye it sounds exhausting as I have bigger fish to fry. I was just throwing that out there as an option to anyone thinking about it.. the fitted mats now are not that bad.

Just trying to give back a little to a forum that has helped me so much..

I agree with timeless also. this is the only car i have that has not been tinted within the first week of ownership. If i ever get the dash all matching I will have it tinted immediately to protect. for now the mat just preserves it and hopefully keeps it from cracking. if everything is color matched well on your car I would definitely tint like he suggested to protect..