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Thread: Has Houston lost the rights to the name DMC?

  1. #1
    Senior Member BladeBronson's Avatar
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    Has Houston lost the rights to the name DMC?

    I know that there's a POV that Houston NEVER had the rights to "DeLorean Motor Company", but let's set that aside for a sec.

    They've been operating their parts and service business (excellently, IMO) for decades under the name "DeLorean Motor Company". When they did the Alpha5 car, a new "DeLorean Motors Reimagined" company was created. At the same time, Houston began referring to their company as "Classic DeLorean Motor Company" and began using the domain It's been a couple years since the Alpha5 announcement and to my eye, things aren't looking good. I'm curious about the branding. The possibilities that I can think of are:

    1. Everyone still believes that Alpha5 is going to come out and our cars need to be differentiated with the Classic DMC name
    2. They know that it's over, but ownership of the name "DeLorean Motor Company" has been transferred to DeLorean Motors Reimagined
    3. They know that it's over but rebranding/unbranding just takes a lot of time

    What do you think?
    Christian Williams, Bay Area
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  2. #2
    Motors about after dark Michael's Avatar
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    I think once DeLorean Reimagined goes under, the name will be bought back for pennies on the dollar. I may attend the bankruptcy auction myself and see if I can get one of the only products they actually offered for sale, a sweet pair of DeLorean branded stretch leggings and maybe a camisole to complete my mid life crisis look.  9

  3. #3
    Senior Member glockworks21's Avatar
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    LOL. if you do please DONT share any pics

  4. #4
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    Houston (or anyone else for that matter) has the rights right up until someone challenges them in a court of law. Till then DMCH can do whatever they want.
    David Teitelbaum

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    Senior Member Rich's Avatar
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    Voting for answer #1

    Stephen still refers to his outfit as DeLorean Motor Company per the About page:

    ?Classic? gives DMR breathing room
    March '81, 5-speed, black interior

  6. #6
    Senior Member 82DMC12's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David T View Post
    Houston (or anyone else for that matter) has the rights right up until someone challenges them in a court of law. Till then DMCH can do whatever they want.
    Pretty sure it was Joe Biden who said "It's probably not constitutional, but we're going to go ahead because the courts are slow"
    Andy Lien

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  7. #7
    Senior Member BladeBronson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rich View Post
    Stephen still refers to his outfit as DeLorean Motor Company per the About page:
    Not really. I agree that both "Classic DMC" and "DeLorean Motor Company" are written on that page, but "DeLorean Motor Company" seems to be in reference to the history of their business. The title of the page, "About Classic DMC", seems to reference who they are now.
    Christian Williams, Bay Area
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  8. #8
    Motors about after dark Michael's Avatar
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    I would LOVE to be a fly on the wall of DeLorean Motor Company.

    I just have to wonder what it is they do everyday. I mean, they aren't making a car, but I'm sure they meet in their subleted office space and discuss shit like:

    "How much longer can we keep doing this shit?"

    "When will all this shit catch up to us?"

    "We really are a pile of shit for how we operated the last few years aren't we?"

    Seriously James, guys need to distance yourselves from that bunch of wolves ASAP.
    Last edited by Michael; 12-03-2024 at 11:27 PM.  9

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