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Thread: Non BTTF DeLorean model kit now available

  1. #1
    Motors about after dark Michael's Avatar
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    Non BTTF DeLorean model kit now available

    How did this sneak up on me? 1/24 scale from Aoshima. Looks really nice too. They are all over ebay for about 40-45 bucks. Don't pay more but if you look, you might find them for less. I got 5 kits just to put a few back and build one or two.

    I'll build one over the winter and you can be darn sure I'll put lights in it like I did with the Autoart model I did a few years ago:
    image_7580 (1).jpg

    Last edited by Michael; 12-16-2024 at 10:35 PM.  9

  2. #2
    Senior Member Domi's Avatar
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    You may buy them directly from Japan here:
    I already bought a few of them and the shipping price is reasonable.
    I think it will be the same for the USA

  3. #3
    Guy with a DeLorean Mark D's Avatar
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    Pretty sweet, I might have to pick one up.

    One thing I noticed was that the underbody chassis plate still has the greeblies from the BTTF version of the car like the landing lights etc. They must have started with their existing BTTF model and then modified it back into a stock car.

  4. #4
    Motors about after dark Michael's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark D View Post
    Pretty sweet, I might have to pick one up.

    One thing I noticed was that the underbody chassis plate still has the greeblies from the BTTF version of the car like the landing lights etc. They must have started with their existing BTTF model and then modified it back into a stock car.

    Nice catch! Yeah I'm sure they used as much as they could from the BTTF tooling. I'm curious of the quality. Aoshima is not Tamiya or Hasegawa level, but it's not junk either. With the support for modelers today, it could be built to any level of detail or accuracy one wants given he has no care of the cost.

    This would probably only appeal to hobbyists as it's kind of a rough shape needing the pro's touch to be worthy of them. The causal collector (outside of just wanting to retain the kit in the box), would be far better off with the AutoArt 1/18. IMO, 1/24 is not an impressive scale anymore for displays, but show me someone that packed detail into a 1/43 or even 1/64, and I'm floored.  9

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    Mine arrived today and I'm looking forward to assembly.
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    Senior Member glockworks21's Avatar
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    pretty cool, might have to order one. Made me think of these from 20 plus years ago.. never finished the first one.
    Attached Images

  7. #7
    Motors about after dark Michael's Avatar
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    Started with painting yesterday. Experimenting with silver aerosols for the body/doors to get the closet to a stainless look.
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  9. #9
    Motors about after dark Michael's Avatar
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    Early stages of planning. Just ordered my LED's. The are not pictured because they are no bigger than the wire but they are half the size of the pico shown.

    I'm running this one off 3v. I mocked up, and I can get one AAA in there with not much trouble but running approx 20 leds, I may opt for two AAAA batteries. Basically I want to keep the power supply with the model for photos. I also decided that since the Z size LEDS are now available, I'm going to put individual door marker LEDs instead of running fiber optics like I did with the AutoArt model. I still plan to run reed switches since now, there are micro 8mm Reeds on the market as opposed to the 16mm I used in the the interior lights and door markers will activate when a door is opened.

    Once I get everything mocked up and figured out, I will start a new thread.  9

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